Identity attributes that are transformed aren't updating


We’re seeing some odd behavior with identity attributes that are transformed when moving from the source account to the identity cube. The identity attributes aren’t updating, even after several source aggregations.

The preview in the identity profile shows that the correct transform is being applied, but even after aggregation the value in the identity never changes.

Source account attributes that are not transformed make it thru just fine.

Here’s an example: this employee changed their home phone number in the HR source a week ago. This preview shows the change that should happen. But the value never changes on the identity cube.

Has anyone else ever seen this issue or is seeing it now? Thanks

Have you tried adding the parameter: “requiresPeriodicRefresh”: “true” on your transform? At least it would be evaluated once a day. If you download the source account data as a csv, is the value showing as changed on that user? If not, you may need to set optimization disabled on the source aggregation so that it isn’t only looking at delta events on the next aggregation.

As @ts_fpatterson mentioned, please run an unoptimized aggregation once, so that it will update the full set of users instead of delta.

Assuming you have the Visual Studio Code Plugins set up - check in your “Identity Attributes” section. Make sure your “sources” field is populated. The attribute should look something like:

    "sources": [
            "type": "rule",
            "properties": {
                "ruleType": "IdentityAttribute",
                "ruleName": "Cloud Promote Identity Attribute"
    "name": "alternatePhoneNumber",
    "displayName": "Alternate Phone Number",
    "standard": true,
    "type": "string",
    "multi": false,
    "searchable": true,
    "system": false

I’ve seen the “sources” get nulled out a few times which causes the behavior you’re describing.

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Thanks all for the replies!

@ts_fpatterson yes, we tried this without success.

@kavindar_sharma - the data does not update even after an unoptimized aggregation, and even doesn’t update when the account data has changed and would be part of a delta aggregation.

@KevinHarrington - thanks for the suggestion. Yes, the “sources” object is present on the attribute.

        "sources": [
                "type": "rule",
                "properties": {
                    "ruleType": "IdentityAttribute",
                    "ruleName": "Cloud Promote Identity Attribute"
        "name": "phone",
        "displayName": "Personal Phone",
        "standard": true,
        "type": "string",
        "multi": false,
        "searchable": true,
        "system": false


What type of source is this?

If it is a direct connection type of a source, is there something that is unique with it where it wouldn’t consider the records as active? Is the connected source configuration allowing filters? Or something to not aggregate the account? Are other accounts changing just fine?

This turned out to be the solution for most of the attributes showing this behavior. We’d made changes to their display name using the API, and the source got dropped. Adding it back resolved the issue in our sandbox.

We also learned something interesting about the alternate phone attribute: if a user has changed their alternate phone in the platform an auth source aggregation will no longer change its value. Gonna have to noodle on that one for a bit.

Thank you all for the responses!

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