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Hello everyone,
I am working on attribute synchronization and am reaching out for assistance.
I have attributes created in IIQ that I want to map to target attributes so that they will sync across the target and source applications. I am new to this and would appreciate your guidance. How should I get started, and how can I verify that the synchronization is working across applications? If someone could provide step-by-step instructions, I would greatly appreciate it.
Onboarded Delimited application that has attribute employeeId and other JDBC application that has an attributed Employee_ID. I first created the identity attribute and then mapped source and target attributes. Enabled attributed sync in the refresh identity cube task and then ran the task. It did not make any changes. am i missing something?
Attribute sync works as if there are changes on your identity attribute that change will propagate to target system in downstream. Did you updated identity attribute for which you configured target mapping? update value and then run identity refresh for that identity and you can check provisioning transactions.
I updated one of the identity attribute from the edit identity and applied the changed. I ran the refresh identity cube task but nothing changed and I do not see anything in the provisioning transactions
Hi @2022Sandeep123 ,
To get the value of the attribute, identity attribute depends on the source mapping which is configured for the same identity in Identity mapping page.
Just confirm whether the attribute has the source mapping on it. If yes, then only the values will be changed to the actual value during identity refresh, if you change directly by editing the identity in UI. And make sure in the identity refresh task you are checking below flags.
Identity refresh task will update the identity attribute value using source mapping and Synchrinize it to the target as configured in the target mapping, in case there is a difference between the old value and new value.
If I am not wrong, you are seeing a provisioning transaction for the JDBC application to update the value.
If yes, you need to either have global JDBC provisioning rule or modify provisioning rule for the JDBC application to complete the transaction.
You can refer to the JDBC connector guide for more details on how to write the provisioning rule for Modify operation.
Make sure you have added this attribute to application update provisioning policy. If not please add in update policy do a direct identity attribute mapping and then try to run identity refresh task with syn attribute and identity refresh attribute checks.
Besides all these, I also suggest one thing for smooth and clear attribute synch. Do one by one attribute means first check with one attribute and test if that is working fine and check with another one and so on. Then only you will get to know that those many attributes of application support. The reason I am telling is that for some applications and some attributes, the attribute synch won’t work, and it will error even if it is not supporting a single attribute (when you use all attributes together and test). So do one by one and note that these many attributes allow in those applications.