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Hello All,
We are looking for an option to control the attribute sync triggering the multiple events on day 0,day of the go live. E.g., if for some reason in the target application some of the attributes are not in sync then we do not want SailPoint to trigger the bulk REST API calls to sync the historical data to target system. How can we trigger the attribute sync only if the identity attribute is updated and not just because target system attributes are not in sync with identity attribute.
Thank you @vishal_kejriwal1 for your response. With this approach how do we make sure that if the identity value is updated then only push the change otherwise take same from link.
E.g., User’s Email got changes today then update it to target system. (do not push the historic diff. data even if that is not matching)
In the transformation rule value argument is the current value of the identity attribute and you can get the current value from link and compare both if both same then send the same value otherwise send the updated value.
<Argument name="value" type="Object">
The value of the identity attribute. Note that this could be single value or a list of values.
The first option is use the OOTB functionality for sync attributes as part of a scheduled Identity Refresh task. Making sure the source data is correct for any downstream target system. You also have the option to use a rule to transform this data which could return the same value.
Another option could be using the Value Change rule or workflow. Here you could check the old and new value. If they change create a plan and provision to the target system.
Are you moving from OIM to Sailpoint ? previously when we moved I had the same mind set . Then later we understand that trusted source should be always trusted and trustworthy if you want to sync data sync fully or else don’t sync .
I don’t see any point that some to be synced and some out of sync .
Yes, Earlier I have worked on OIM and Saviynt. I understand that data should be in sync but this check we want to add to avoid bulk calls to target system on deployment day in case there is diff (for some reason app owner did not keep it updated).
I would say at Day 0 don’t enable sync so that you can avoid bulk transactions and then later to keep data in sync you can keep on enabling this for each application in phases .