How to display a popup message in the user interface from a Workflow

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Version 8.3

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I wanted to ask how to configure a workflow to have a pop up message displayed at the end of configurations.

Specifically, my workflow performs the following steps:

  • Manager selects the identity from my custom quick link
  • Edit the attributes in the custom form
  • Confirm the form
  • I update the identity

After confirming my custom form I would like to pop up a message with a custom message, how do I proceed?

Attached I leave you my workflow and an example of a message.

Thank you,

Workflow - Custom update identity.txt (8.5 KB)

You can define it in the quicklink

<QuickLink action="workflow"category="Custom"messageKey="Custom QuickLink"name="Custom">




               <entrykey="workflowSuccess"value="Starting Custom Workflow..."/>




Attribute is calles workflowSuccess


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