How to audit forwarding user activity done from "Edit Preferences"

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Version 8.3

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forward audit.jpg

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Is forwarding or delegation set from “Edit Preferences” UI page are audited out of the box. If not how can I audit that when forwarding was set. And who set the forwarding. We need to find complete details.

Out of the box you will only see Update Identity event but with no details what was really updated (also this event will be registered in a lot of other cases).

Hi @pradeep_kumar54,
We can create audit event when you want to get this audited. You can check all this info via adv analytical —> audit
Here in this case identity update forwarding user is out the box feature if we can add an audit event whenever forwarding is set then these information can be captured.

Thank you All.
@vinnysail, Thanks for the reply. So, this is not the out of the box feature as I can’t find any option in Global Settings-> Audit Configuration.
Do we need to add capture audit event code in “identity Update” workflow. Could you please confirm.

Hi @pradeep_kumar54

There should be One OOB Report named “Identity Forwarding Report”, you will get all users who set Forwarding from Preference section. hope that will solve your problem. any specific reason you want to see in audit ?


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Hi @pradeep_kumar54,
These are ootb features of identity forwarding instead you can use the report suggested by pravin and see if this requirement helps you.

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Hi @pravin_ranjan, Reason for asking: Auditor asks that when forward was set with start date and end date and who set it. Sometimes, admin also set it on behalf of users and that is not audited. So we need to create audit events.

Hi @vinnysail , could you please let me know how we can create audit event. Thanks


This can be achieved using a Life Cycle event of type Rule, in the rule check whenever the forwarding user is changed, you can have the audit event in Associated workflow and in the workflow you will have the source as well input, which you can store in the audit event to confirm who did the change

I believe this should complete your requirement.

Sample rule below for the life cycle event ( note - you can enhance this if you need this whenever there is a start data and end date change as well)

	boolean flag = false;

if(previousIdentity!=null && newIdentity!=null) {

String oldForwardUser=previousIdentity.getPreference("forward");

String newForwardUser=newIdentity.getPreference("forward");

    if (oldForwardUser == null) {
        oldForwardUser = "";
    if (newForwardUser == null) {
        newForwardUser = "";
 flag= !newForwardUser.equals(oldForwardUser);

return flag;

Let me know if more help is needed, please mark the solution if this works for your requirement.

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Thank you @iamksatish , It seems this solution will work. Let me try it.

I don’t think any OOTB audit is available but i think “Identity Update” workflow is triggered when forwarding is enabled. You can try adding a step for auditing .

Did you try this, any update?

Its working. I have tried it. Thank you @iamksatish

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