Does audit events capture comments added from 'Request access' Quicklink option?

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We have a quicklink option to request entitlement for an identity where we can add comments/justification for access. When I try to view this request under My Work > Access Requests > Request, I can see the comments. But when I try to query this under audit logs, I do not see this value under any attribute.

Is it possible to query the comments under audit logs?

I don’t think so you can query the comments capture in the audit events however some of the action do capture the comments like workitem forward action capture the comments in one of the values field and action like reject line item captures the comment in one of the attribute value “completion comments”. Hope that helps.


I was trying to query the value from the Audit table which is not available there, I was able to query it from the IdentityRequest table from ProvisioningProject.

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