Correlation event history


Can you please advise how we can find out who correlated an account to a cube in IIQ 8.4. It was a manual correlation event but the account was correlated to a wrong cube so trying to understand who did that correlation and when. Is there anyway we can find this via debug page or through some other ways? Thanks in advance!

Hi @ramthetribo,

I think the only way to view something is enabling the relative audit event:
but if you dont have already marked, you dont see the event.

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Hi @ramthetribo,

If the workflow is set up for identity correlation in IdentityIQ Configurations, a work item will be created for manual correlation. Once the work item is generated, the “Approve Line Item” audit event action will provide details about the requester.

To check the identity correlation workflow, Go to Global settings—>IdentityIQ configuration—>Identities

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I used Target identity: in Advanced Analytics → Audit to see who touched the identity for that specific duration. This doesn’t say who did the correlation but this info helped to identify list of people.

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