Group aggregation bringing in Sysid rather than the business name

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I have created group aggregation for ServiceNow and i am only getting the groupiid or sysid , it is not bringing the business name in the value. Please advise

Hi @sdhakalHUD,

Could you verify that in the Object Type: group, the Display Attribute is set to ‘business name’? This should ensure that the aggregation pulls the business name rather than just the groupid or sysid.

@sdhakalHUD try by putting displayAttribute=“name” in group schema.

This is the current configuration

Click on the Preview button under Group object and review the attributes. Based on the results, decide which attribute you need to set as the Display Attribute for the group. This will ensure the correct information is displayed during aggregation.

@sdhakalHUD if possible then pls share the xml here.

xml attached
SNOW_TSTIIQ.xml (34.3 KB)

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