GET /beta/task-status only returns 50 items by default

What problem are you observing?

GET /beta/task-status returns 50 items by default. You must explicitly set the limit query param to a higher value to get more items.

What is the correct behavior?

Most SailPoint APIs will return the maximum page limit of 250 items by default. The API docs for this endpoint also describe 250 as the default limit. If there is a specific reason that 50 should be the default, then that is an exception that needs to be correctly documented in the API spec.

What product feature is this related to?

This is related to the GET /beta/task-status API endpoint.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Make an API call without setting the limit query param. For example GET This will return only 50 items. In my tenant, I have 128 tasks, but only the first 50 are returned.

If you set the limit to a higher value, like 250, then the default page size of 250 is returned. In my case, it’s only 128 tasks, but if I had more than 250 tasks then it would return the first 250.


Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?

I have tested this in my devrel org, which is a production tenant.

Ticket created (IDNDENALI-10016)

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