Missing documentation beta API

Hi team,

There seems to be no documentation for the following existing APIs. Could you please add this documentation?

GET /beta/task-status/pending-tasks
GET /beta/task-status/:id
GET /beta/task-definitions/
POST /beta/task-execution/run
Other task related APIs?

Thanks Angelo. We are aware that these are missing. We have a ticket opened to work on this. Ticket number is DEVREL-422.

Thank you Colin!

In addition to this, I noticed that GET /beta/task-status/:id works when the task id originated from the API POST /v3/accounts/:id/enable, but it doesn’t work when the task id originated from the API POST /v3/accounts/:id/reload. Is this done deliberately?

Some of the task status APIs have been documented.

Awesome, thank you @colin_mckibben! Hopefully the rest follows soon.

Some remarks regarding this:
1: The added documentation “Task Management” is added at the bottom instead of alphabetically.
2: Regarding API PATCH /task-status/:id, what should we use this API for? I am surprised to see the possibility to be able to update a task and use the [add , remove , replace , move , copy , test ] PATCH operations.
3: Do you know when we can view the task status of the API POST /accounts/:id/reload? It seems that we can not view the result of all tasks we execute.
4: API GET /task-status is mentioned in the documentation, which we would expect as well based upon the convention that you use GET /object-type to view the list of (paginated) objects and GET /object-type/:id to get a particular object. But when trying to execute this API, we get an error. See below