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Im looking for am realy common way to do somethings before a connector-app starts and ends in all connector types, in same way.
Is there any existing official way to do such typical things?
The iiq-connector implementations bases all on same class and this behavior should be really simply to realize, but currently i see on different connectors different rule-hooks. Mostly only before provisining, aggregation, and so on.
If it currently not exists: Can a following iiq version plz extended with this generic behavior?
If you are looking for a Rule which will trigger before and after any connector provisioning operations, then you could look at the BeforeProvisioning Rule and the AfterProvisioning Rule. This is available for all types of application.
Quick note, these rules will be triggered only before and after provisioning operation not before an aggregation.
Thats true, for provisioning is a hook available, after the connection is prepared (for example on jdbc connector). This means, it is before provisioning but not before the connector starts. same issue on all other operations.
Im looking for a generic connector solution/hook, before it starts and ends/finalize.
I believe Sailpoint do not have this feature, however the one can be written ( may be not good option) in the provisioning workflow (assuming all application provisioning is done via common workflow) and call that rule just before the provisioning and ProvisioningPlan is available before the provision step and can be manipulated based on the requirement.