Question about after provisioning rule

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IIQ 8.4

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Hello we are trying to use after provisioning rule on a connector in which we call an api to fetch some details of the newly provisioned account by the same connector on which this after provisioning rule exists.

We use create operation of the connector to provision the account.

We are seeing some weird behavior which makes us question if the after provisioning rule actually runs after the provisioning completes or it executes somewhere in between before the provisioning is committed.

So the api is is not able to find the newly created account and returns null for create operation, even though we can see provisioning transaction reported successfully afterwards.

Hi @abhijeetsalvi,

in a webservice connector you have a before/after provisioning rule and a before/after operation provisioning rule for each operation.

which type of rule you are tring?

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Why you dont Setup “getOBject” operation?


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Are you planning to fetch the data which is not pushed via iiq during account creation ?

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Hi Abhijeet,

The after provisioning rule is run after the connecter has finished provisioning.

You have to be careful if there is replication involved, though.
For example, if you make a change to one Active Directory domain controller, it may take a moment for that to replicate to other domain controllers. You want to stick with the same domain controller if you can.

The identity cube isn’t updated until after the “after” rule is run, so don’t expect to see the changes there.

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Hi @abhijeetsalvi

The AfterProvisioning rule is executed immediately after the connector’s provisioning method is called, but only if the provisioning result is in a committed or queued state. The rule we can use to customize or react to anything in the ProvisioningPlan that has been sent out to specific applications after the provisioning request has been processed. If you want to know how the heirarchy is executed step by step,. Please put a logger statement in all the rules, whatever you want to check. and run. You can see the logs. Then, you will have more clarity. This is one thought I am throwing at you.


This is resolved, we were missing a commit in the after provisioning rule. once we included commitTransaction(), it is working as expected.

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