To do additional steps after connector running, depending on IIQ datamodel

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Version 8.3

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Im trying to identify a concret situation, after a connector was running.

What i mean:

  • Im doing an IdentityRequest to remove business roles with some entitlements.
  • After the connector is running Im trying to use a “AfterProvisioning”-Rule.

What i can see:

  • The connector is running successfully and the changes are done in target system.
  • But the identity is at this point not in sync and still contains the roles.
    With activated hibernate logging, i can see the IIQ datamodel is refreshed “after” “AfterProvisioning”-Rule.

Now my question:

  • Where is the right place to do some checks after the application was doing the job on an identity and to to some other custom actions depending on IIQ identity model?

Depends upon what kind of checks you want to perform, but assuming that you have your custom workflow to perform your job, I would put all my validations towards end of that workflow, before sending any email notifications, so that you can direct your workflow in correct direction, in case if there was any other problem, or if one more attempt to provisioning was required, and then you may send email notification

It generaly depends how you start provisioning to the application as there are at least 3 ways to do that.

I assume its the most standard one - via LCM Provisioning. In this case what i would do:

  1. Create LCM Provisioning Launcher workflow which simply starts LCM Provisioning for you as subprocess
  2. Add before an after subprocess step additional steps to execute rules before and after its execution
  3. Change LCM config to use launcher workflow instead of LCM Provisioning
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Here you can add logic in AfterProvisioing rule too.

At that time you have to add one check like this is account request / group request ( this will come as list from plan.getAccountRequests() or plan.getObjectRequests() )

if have any specific requirement then pls post here.

  • in the AfterProvisioining rule you can get the status of the action. If it was success or not:
List accountRequests = plan.getAccountRequests();

if ( ( accountRequests != null ) && ( accountRequests .size() > 0 ) ) {
  for ( AccountRequest accountRequest : accountRequests  ) {
    if  ("commited".equals(accountRequest.getResult().getStatus())) {
      // sent email

Is it also possible to start a workflow via a rule. For instance if provisioning was a success (commited), start a workflow after 1 minute.
Also performing a refresh in the AfterProvisioing rule.

If you state your requirements (as said before), we can provide more specific help :slight_smile:

– Remold


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