How to attach a Before Provisinoing Rule to a JDBC Connector?

Hi! I am having problem tryng to attach a rule to the beforeProvisinoingAttribute in a JDBC connector. Rule simply logs, it does not have useful information yet. But when sending via PATCH or PUT calls, rule remains “null”:

Also tried with path /beforeProvisioningRule, and simply adding rule name, with same results (retorns 200 OK but does not modify null at beforeProvisioningRule attribute).

Rules is:

    "description": "Rule para provisonamento",
    "type": "JDBCProvision",
    "signature": {
        "input": [
                "name": "connection",
                "description": "Reference to the current SQL connection.",
                "type": "java.sql.Connection"
                "name": "plan",
                "description": "Provisioning plan containing the provisioning request(s).",
                "type": "sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan"
                "name": "application",
                "description": "Attribute value for the identity attribute before the rule runs.",
                "type": "sailpoint.object.Application"
                "name": "schema",
                "description": "Reference to the schema object for the delimited file source being read.",
                "type": "sailpoint.object.Schema"
        "output": {
            "name": "result",
            "description": "ProvisioningResult object containing the provisioning request's status (success, failure, retry, etc.).",
            "type": "sailpoint.object.ProvisioningResult"
    "sourceCode": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "script": "\t\t\\"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BEFORE PROV RULE \");\r\n\t\t\tlog.warn(\"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BEFORE PROV RULE \");\r\n\t\t\tlog.debug(\"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BEFORE PROV RULE \");"
    "attributes": {
        "sourceVersion": "1.0"
    "id": "44897b7442a******d53f2d9edd2c",
    "name": "XXXXXXXX",
    "created": "2023-12-12T21:39:57.414Z",
    "modified": "2023-12-12T21:39:57.414Z"

This is the format you’re looking for in the PATCH body:

        "op": "add",
        "path": "/beforeProvisioningRule",
        "value": {
            "id": "0b2fb0b79ea64bbbb9e8ed4ed1153f4d"

You can include the name and type fields if you’d like, but only the id of the rule is required.

Hi @nsorlien ! Thanks for responding, I already tried that. I give a new try and now took a better look at the error:

(tried also with replace). It seems that I am trying to put an incorrect rule in this field. The rule I created if of type JDBCProvisioning, is that wrong? What rule type should I use? I never worked with jdbc before provisinoing, just with WS, but in this case I found documentation more clear. I seem a bit lost here.

Hi @nsorlien ! Thanks for responding, I already tried that. I give a new try and now took a better look at the error:

(tried also with replace). It seems that I am trying to put an incorrect rule in this field. The rule I created if of type JDBCProvision, is that wrong? What rule type should I use? I never worked with jdbc before provisinoing, just with WS, but in this case I found documentation more clear. I seem a bit lost here.

Hi people, as I never worked with the Before Provisioning Rule, I thought it was part of the JDBC connector rules, as with Web Services connector. I searched a bit more and found it that it is a cloud rule. I see it clear now, thanks!


hi @jsosa I believe you are looking for this to attach JDBCProvsioning Rule to source.

Hi @udayputta thanks for responding! Actually, the rule to use is the one I posted before your post. I was working with JDBC Provision rule, but it has the problem that at the modify or enable/disable operations, plan only has the uid IDN attribute. And as it is a connector rule, it can not search information from IDN. That’s why I was suggested to add another rule to connector, the Before Provisinoing Rule, but as this is a cloud rule and never worked with that, I was looking in the incorrect place.

However, as this can be a workaround, documentation says that it should not be used to add identity or account attributes to account request object in plan object. So I figured a way to obtain identity and account attributes using an UPDATE provisioning policy.

I just detailed this on this other discussion topic:

It is a little tricky but saved me from making another rule, and depend on support times to get cloud rule deployed.

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