Functions in workflows, e.g. getting the current date/time

Hello there,

I needed to get the current date/time in an ISC workflow, and I found that I could somewhat use $.now() when using the define variable operator.
I couldn’t find this feature documented here Operators - SailPoint Identity Services , or anywhere in the documentation pages for the workflows ( Creating and Managing Workflows - SailPoint Identity Services )

Could someone please point me to the documentation of $.now() and how this should be used? I was not able to use it in an template, for example something like this {{$.now()}}.

What other functions exist? Where are they documented?

Thank you in advance,

Hi @adamian

Please have a look into this topic getDay in Workflow regarding how to get the current date or day in the workflow.

I don’t think there’s any specific example included in the documentation on how to do this.

Hope this would help.


Hi @nhassan, thank you, but this doesn’t bring me forward.

The linked topic is from August 2023, so about 8 months ago. Are there any plans to document such features or should we rely completely on asking in the forum? Is this a stable feature or subject to change without notice? Where are the updates going to be posted, if any? As another topic in the forum?
Unfortunately I seem not to have the time to read and digest all the posts in the forum.

Is there a release process of such features which includes also documenting them?

What other functions exist? How can I search for them to know what is available and what not?

Best regards,