Workflows: Subtract time in define variable

What if I need to subtract 15 days??? I tried this but get these failures:

subtractTime transform: length exceed max limit. Transformed date cannot be less than current date

I am saying “from today” I want folks who were hired within the past 14 days.

Subtracting time from $.now() is not yet supported. Is that what you are trying to do, or are you subtracting from a different date?

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Yep… that’s what I am trying to do… I want to go back -14 days…

Colin, is there a timeframe as to when this will be added to the Define Variable? I have a similar request coming up. If not, how would you suggest this be handled within the workflow?

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No commitment yet. The ticket for my reference is PLTWRKFLW-2983. I’ll update this post once date subtraction is enabled.

I submitted this idea earlier, which I think would solve this and a plethora of other problems.

Allow transforms in workflows

Transforms already have dateMath, including date format conversion, so there wouldn’t even really be a need to add anything new to the IDN codebase.

Except when you have end users that use the UI more than the code base (like my manager) who wants to do this kind of stuff w/out being too code knowledgeable.

Ideally, you’d pick a transform name from a dropdown, so your manager would simply pick the pre-existing transform you created called “14 days ago”.

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Subtract time is now supported as a date transform option in the Define Variable operator.