Extended attributes not showing values in report

Continuing the discussion from Add a new attribute for Non personal accounts:

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?


As stated in the above post, new extended (identity and string type) attributes are added in identity mappings. These fields are used when submitting creation and edit form for non personal accounts (service accounts). When running the report under analytics, it does not show any values in the fields. Attached screenshots.

Hi @NPM15,

can you share how you are configured this attribute in objectconfig and in the report?

Under Identity object it stored as below. For report, I am using the advanced analytics with filter condition by selecting the check box near these fields in the Choose fields to display option.

What type of extended attribute is this identity ?
Can you share the xml of identity to see if the extended attribute is saved in identity object ?

Ok, I think you are not stored correctly those info.

I can see something strange.

  1. Both obj managed IDNs butthe first one has identity like type and the second has string
  2. the second have 22 like extendedNumber, theoretically SP can managed until 20 extended number attribute. If you have more, better if you change in namedColumn like extended attribute
  3. the editMode is Permanent, it means that you can change the value only from source mapping and you havent it. Try to use Temporary.

Also, check if into DB are stored some info for those identities in this columns. I think with your configuration, SP saves those info into attributes and not in own columns(or not saves)

PS How you see those attributes on the identity from debug?

@vishal_kejriwal1 @enistri_devo I have uploaded only the attribute part of Identity from debug. From the two attributes, one is of type IDENTITY and another one is STRING.
Identity_xml.txt (1.9 KB)

in this case into identity is stored only the extended11 and it msut be visible into the report.
For the other one, I think the problem could depends for the number(22)

I got it @enistri_devo . Please let me know how to update the iiq schema after adding the attribute into the identity hibernate xml file. Hope it will reflect after the database schema update.

For me the better configuration is that:


<ObjectAttribute displayName="Tecnical Owner" editMode="ReadOnly" name="tecnicalOwner" namedColumn="true" type="string">
<ObjectAttribute displayName="Secondary Tecnical Owner" editMode="ReadOnly" name="secTecnicalOwner" namedColumn="true" type="string">

You can change into identity type if necesessary


<property name="tecnicalOwner" type="string" length="20" index="spt_identity_tecnical_owner" access="sailpoint.persistence.ExtendedPropertyAccessor"/>
<property name="secTecnicalOwner" type="string" length="20" index="spt_identity_sec_tecnical_owner" access="sailpoint.persistence.ExtendedPropertyAccessor"/>

Adjust the leght if necessary and remove the index if you think I wouldn’t use these attributes much

Finally you can execute the update db from console or update manually the db.
Before all, is better if you read the documantation aboutn exteded Attribute

Thank you so much :pray:, let me try this and update status here.

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I am getting the below error after adding the secondary tech owner attribute into the hbm file.

Have you update the db?

please read the documentation before.
Verify your DB configuration before change this, I dont know the situation of your DB and maybe you need to adjust that I write.

  1. stopped the service and hbm file was update with sec tech owner attribute
  2. updated the db with this command iiq schema
  3. when trying to add the attribute under global settings I am getting the error page

before you need create the identity attribute, later you set searchable/namedcolumn and update the db

I even tried removing the column from sailpoint and as per the documentation the first step is to add the attribute into the hbm file, updating DB and then adding the attribute into identity mappings. I have followed the same but after loading DB and restarting the service, the sailpoint page is not loading and got the exception page. This prevents me from adding the attribute in the identity mappings. After removing the added attribute from the hbm file, SP is loading without issues.

Please share your latest hbm file, identity xml of Object config

Identity_xml.txt (39.6 KB)
identityhbm.txt (4.2 KB)

The attached hbm file does not contain the newly added attribute. I added the extended attribute into the hbm file below the “mobile” attribute.

@NPM15 Please share the files with which you are getting the error and also did you check in sys log event what is the error?

exception.txt (7.9 KB)
identityhbm.txt (4.3 KB)
Attached files.

@iamksatish @enistri_devo @vishal_kejriwal1

After connecting with Sailpoint support team, I need to add run the stored procedure source add_identityiq_extensions.[dbms] after adding the extended attribute into the hbm fille. I am using SQL server and please someone assist me on how to execute the sql procedure. I tried like running a normal sql query but ending with error.