In this presentation Sharvari will cover the reporting and auditing capabilities available with Identity Security Cloud and how they can help achieve a high level of visibility, accountability and help improve security, compliance, and business outcomes. Sharvari will cover the following topics: using Search, APIs and scripting, Secure Data Share and Access Intelligence Center.
Uploading the search queries, powershell commands and scripts that i used during this presentation.
Search Queries
All identities with a last name which starts with A through M (uses regex).
All identities with no email, last name, or username attribute.
(NOT exists:attributes.lastname) OR (NOT OR (NOT exists:attributes.uid)
Identities created in the past week OR Identities Terminated in the past 90 days
created:[now-1w TO now] / attributes.endDate:[now-90d TO now]
Inactive Identities with an active Active Directory Accounts
attributes.cloudLifecycleState:inactive AND @accounts(“Active Directory” AND disabled:false)
Find identities with AD accounts which have had a password set within a certain time period (using AD passwordLastSet timestamp): @accounts(“AD” AND passwordLastSet:[2023-08-01 TO 2023-09-01] )
PS: For Sailpoint CLI and SDK commands/scripts to work, you need to install and setup them locally and provide your tenant configuration following the instructions here.