Experience on VA Troubleshooting and redploying

Dear Experts,

On several posts related to where the VA doesn’t work or where the services don’t start up, I can see that the most common solution was - “Redeploy a new VA”

What does “redploying” really mean here? Setting up a new VM and mounting the VA image on that, right? I am not sure if it is even possible to redploy the image on an existing VM.

So how did that workout? Did the VA setup start working after “redeploying” a new VA? There can be several reasons as to why the VA did not start up initially. And did the “redeploy” fix all problems?
I would like to hear your experiences. Did any one have to “redploy” a new VA in the middle of their projects?

Looking forward to hear your answers.

Thanks and best regards

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Hi Tamalika,
Redeploy her applies building a complete new machine from scratch. So it is like adding new VA’s in your environment.


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Redeploy would refer to deploying on a fresh machine from scratch.

Hard to say why this works when the first attempt at setup didn’t.

Could be a dodgy download, or other issues.

However, one thing I have found helps, is running “sudo rm /opt/sailpoint/share/jobs/*” before beginning the VM setup steps.

For reasons unknown, I’ve found that, if a VM is stood up and left alone for longer than a couple of days a large queue of jobs can form on the machine which can hinder the initial setup. Running the command above clears the job queue.


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