We are currently facing challenges setting up our VA. The ccg service does not start up and we have seen a mismatch in the images stored on the VA and the image CCG tries to use to start up:
When you upload a new config.yaml file you should expect a new ccg docker image to be downloaded within a few minutes. Make sure you have uploaded the config to the correct folder (/home/sailpoint/config.yaml) and that you have obeyed the passphrase restrictions with special characters.
My guess is that the systemd service tries to start a newer version than the docker container currently present. When this is done, you should see something along the lines of:
in the charon.log.
If you already have waited sufficiently, I’d recommend you trying to redeploy the VM from start.
If the process does not complete to integrate a new virtual appliance, it is often best to redeploy a new image and start over. Some tips to keep in mind:
Change the password in the config.yaml file before uploading it to your new VA. This will ensure that the VA does not try to deploy with the default password while you are changing the password.
Do not reboot immediately after uploading your config.yaml. This can interrupt the VA setup processes that are occurring and leave your VA in an unusable state. Rather watch the log files to ensure that the updates are occurring.
We exactly did what you said. However, after uploading the new credentials on the config.yaml file, the “Test Connection” does not work from the tenant.