Exclusion not showing for Targeted certification

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

We have tried to include exclusion rule for targeted certification by adding below entry to the certification definition object

However there is no options getting enabled to see those excluded items in the certfication.

Any suggestion on the above would be appreciated!

How you want exclude? Identities, roles, accouts?

I think exclusion rule is not avaible for target cert.
You can exclude identities with a rule:
is for select a subset of identities, but you can use in reverse.

Also you can filter roles/entitlemts or account and exlcude ent of logical apps

I wanna do exclusion logic on items like account, group.
Have tried implementing this exclusion rule in targeted one, it’s working as expected like the way it used to work with other type of certification but only thing is the excluded item were not showing in the targeted one though have included required entry key

mentioned in some other post.

HI Kovaradhan,

i feel the targeted cert behaves differently than the normal certifications. Did not get in the documentation.

Raise a support ticket if you feel this is a bug. We had a issue where the exclusion rule was not working as expected and had to redesign the approach.


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