Exclusion rule for Targeted Certification

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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Hi Team,

We have a requirement to exclude certain applications and entitlements from targeted certification. This exclusion is to be made on app names( eg- app name with “-old” etc). Is there any way to exclude it based on rule? We don’t see exclusion rule option in targeted certification.


Hi and Hello,

Here you have very good pdf about that.


More or less page 50.



Hello Adam,
Thank you for reply. We do not see any option to add certification exclusion rule in case of targeted user certification (RapidSetup Mover Targeted User Certification).

We want to exclude the items in certifications matching the certain conditions. Where can we add such logic incase of RapidSetup Mover Targeted User Certification?


@pallavi @Reshma_sonawane

In the debug page add the below lines and exclusion rule will work for targeted certification as well

Though you can’t configure in UI and you can try doing this from debug

<entry key="exclusionRuleName" value="Give your Exclusion Rule Name"/>
<entry key="saveExclusions" value="true"/>

Please try and let me know if you still see any issues.


Thanks a lot @iamksatish, Appreciate your quick reply. Let me give it a try and will update here.

There is an option to add in certificate definition in debug, as mentioned by @iamksatish.

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