Exception while opening Entitlement Catalog


I Cant open entitlement catalog, getting exception after 30s. Large amount of enttitlements ~14m

Because all the time while loading entitlements requests stops after 30s with exception I think it is some setting option which should be changed.

That’s a pretty common issue with extremely large entitlement catalogs. When you first go to the page, there are no filters or searches applied, so it times out attempting to load and cache all entitlements in the user’s authorized scopes (which for SPADMIN is the entire catalog). You should be able to go into the filters/Advanced Search and pare down the set of entitlements that you’re looking for by filtering on a single application, flag, etc. and hit the Search :mag: button and get results.

You might also be able to adjust your app server config to increase the default request timeout from 20-30s up to something larger (like 2-3 mins or more - see Apache Tomcat 9 Configuration Reference (9.0.75) - The HTTP Connector for reference in how you might be able to do that with Tomcat), but I’d generally recommend sticking with the default and using the OOB filtering to prune down the collection of entitlements that is trying to be loaded.

The problem as mentioned before, was timeout, just I did not know how to change that, the answer is :

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