Disable initial load in entitlement catalog

I have a lot entitlements in Entitlement catalog and it takes time to load data. I am curious maybe its possible to disable “initial load”, and load entitlements after some filters there selected?

Basically entitlements are loaded into the system in 2 ways (excluding batch uploads etc):

  • During an account aggregation task where the option ‘Promote managed attributes’ is enabled
  • During a group aggregation task

I would advice to disable the ‘Promote managed attributes’-option, as you would have no control on which entitlements are loaded.

For the group aggregation task a customization rule you can be used to apply ‘filters’ (like if (object.getName().equals("xx")) ). When returning null from the customization rule the entitlement will not be loaded.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

– Remold

There’s not a configuration setting for doing this, the way there is for the LCM and Identity Warehouse pages. It would be nice if all of the data grids had an off-switch in the future Angular UIs.

After some fiddling, I did find a way to do this, but it requires that you edit one of the OOTB xhtml files.

The file is: /identityiq/define/groups/accountGroupsInclude.xhtml

Find this snippet of Javascript within the xhtml, line 71 in my version of IIQ:

if (isNaN(currentPage)) {
} else {

And remove or comment out all five lines. The search will still work, but the initial search-everything will not happen on page load.

You would need to ensure that you carry this customization to the xhtml forward after any upgrade, which may replace the xhtml file. Document everything! If you have an automated build process, e.g., something derived from the SSB, perhaps you can add a step to automatically remove those lines.


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