Error-Creating new Attribute Under Manage Accounts only

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Our help desk team needs to be able to further verify users by them having a secret word or pin available to the team. I have actually added a “Secret Word” and “PIN” attributes, editable in the Global Settings>Identity Mappings page. But when I try to access the attributes in the “Manage Accounts”>Edit Identity page, it gives me an error. Please see screenshots for further descriptions.
PIN and Secret Word Error.docx (250.5 KB)

Hi @derrickthomasvdot

Can you confirm which capabilities are assigned to the user?

Also is this user in a dynamic scope that allows editing this identity? Any restrictions on who they can request for:


Thanks, Nicholas. I was able to finally submit, but now it is asking for a approval and I do not want this to go through any approval. Is there a way to remove the approval process and submit without it?

Hi @derrickthomasvdot,

you can disable the approvals from LCM Create and Update workflow

or remove the approval step form Identity Update workflow:

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That’s great @derrickthomasvdot please mark as a solution if this helped resolve your original problem.

I’ll look into that. Also, where can I find my identity attributes in the debug page?


Can you find it searching like ObjectConfig.
ps if you mark searchablea IDN Attribute remember to update the DB

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