Add a new attribute for Non personal accounts

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Version 8.3

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Hi Everyone,

There is a requirement from the customer to add a new attribute for all non personal accounts creation. I have create a new attribute under Identity mappings in Global settings. Can anyone please guide me on how to proceed further and make this attribute field value to be required when submitting the account creation.


How is your Account creation happens , is it through custom quick link and form

Also I believe non personal accounts you mean here is identities itself, please confirm

yes @iamksatish the account creation happens through the quick link and form . Non personal accounts are service/shared/system identities.


Share your form xml and I believe you must be having an existing attribute on form identifying the identities as these type or the form will be dedicated for this type of identities?

@iamksatish sorry account creation happening only via the quicklink. The quicklink xml points to the non-personal account creation workflow. Have attached the workflow xml here with this.
Non-Personal Account workflow.txt (17.1 KB)


As you have already created the extended attribute just add the attribute details in your “Create Non-Personal Account” Form under the create Form step of workflow

Assuming the name of the field you created is extendedField and a String type , add below

 <Field displayName="Extended Field" helpKey="Please provide the value of extended field" name="extendedField" priority="13" required="true" type="string">


This will make sure user should provide the value while submitting the form

Now if you want to push to your AD target systems mapped in your workflow given, add the target AD attribute to schema and have your provisioning policy based on this field to push to target

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@iamksatish I tried adding the field properties as given below
<Field displayName=“Technical Owner” name=“extendedfield” priority=“13” required='true" type=“Identity”/> but getting the attached error when saving the workflow from debug page. The new attribute is technical owner and type is identity not string. Kindly assist.

I see you have validation script after closing the field tag, if you are having any validation to be done, please close the field tag after that

Also make sure the name of the field matches with your exact extended attribute

Please see the screenshots, I have closed the field tag in both places

Are you Saying, still the workflow is not getting saved from debug page, can you please share the latest xml with the change.

yes Satish, unable to save the workflow from debug page. Attached the updated XML
Non-Personal account creation.txt (17.4 KB)

Below is what I meant, you have additional / after type=“Identity” and then you have validation script below that, that will not work and looks like you kept this line before Field closure of description

Please find below corrected

          <Field displayName="Description" displayType="textarea" name="description" priority="10" type="string">
                // validation variable comes in as “value”
                List messages = new ArrayList();
                if (value != null) {
                  if(value.length() > 200) {
                    Message msg = new Message();
                    msg.setKey("Description is too long. Max length is 200 characters.");
                return messages;
		  <Field displayName="Technical Owner" name="extendedIdentity2" priority="15" required="true" type="Identity"/>
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Thank you so much @iamksatish . This resolved the issue.

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