Custom Attribute for Accounts

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?


Is there a way to define a attribute at account level which defines the account type?

ACT123 → ‘User Account’
SACT123 → ‘Service Account’


Hi @vivek_kumar9,

This can be achieve using account mapping.
Create Account mapping and define the logic in source mapping.


Hi @vivek_kumar9,

you have two way.

Account mapping as @Arun-Kumar says or you can you use a schema rule for account.

At least, both methods make the same things but first will be applied for all account of all applications, the second only for application where is configured.

PS For JDBC connector you can modify directly the query adding a new custom column with a Case logic without any rule, for example:

    WHEN column1 is not null THEN 'User Account'
    ELSE 'Service Account'
END AS TypeAccount
FROM Table;
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Do you mean to add the attribute in account schema to hold the accountType information? If the field does not present in target application schema then it may get deleted if discover schema attributes is done.

Hi @vivek_kumar9,

Go to Global setting---->Account Mappings—>add new Attribute—>create an account attribute like below.

Source mappings rule: Attached for reference.
AccountType.xml (1.8 KB)

You can create extended attribute for Link object , this extended attribute process would be same as the process use to define extended attribute for Identity , Application , ManagedAttribute object .

You need to think that how you are goinig to populate account type value in this extended attribute using account customization rule ?

Add the attribute in Account mapping not in the account schema.

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