Hi All,
I have a query on the IQService - December 2023 Release (https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/SaaS-Updates/IQService-December-2023-Release/ba-p/245244).
There was an update regarding the Microsoft Entra ID (formerly, Azure Active Directory - VA based) Connector:
1.Connector now fetches Owners of Distribution Groups via IQService when the owner of Distribution Group is an another Group. (As part of bug fix for the issue CONETN-4502)
Now the query is , why the owner is read via the IQService and not directly by the connector. In the entra ID connector documentation (Exchange Online Management) it is mentioned “Aggregation of Distribution List group with basic group details does not need Exchange Online IQService configuration”. And the owner is a default attribute in the group schema of entra ID connector.
Thank you all!!!