Active directory connector

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

Is this question regarding a custom connector? If so, please share relevant details below.

No, this question is not regarding a custom connector.

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Dear Community,

Currently Im trying to configure the active directory connector but im getting the Exception
“Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. Authentication Failed : No such user registered with IQService.”

how do i know the IQservice user?

Have you installed and configured IQ Service ?

IQ Service is used for provisioning operations to AD or any other Microsoft Products.

Hi @fugitiva ,

Please install and configure iqservice if you haven’t. You can follow .
Please let me know if you face any issue

IQService - Compass (

Please check this you will have a better understanding
IQService is Intermediatory service connecting to AD

I did and its running

everything is done in the windows server, open the ports, installs the IQservice, even im able to ping the remote windows server from my laptop

So this in my configuration

cnd export

“CN=Jill Roord,CN=Users,DC=mylab,DC=ad,DC=com”




Hi @fugitiva ,
Perform the following based on the following respective scenarios:

  • If the IQService User is not registered, then ensure that you have registered IQService User on IQService computer using the following command:

IQService -a username

  • If the IQService User is registered, then ensure that the user has provided correct IQService User or Password and the Username registered in IQService and Application UI are in the same format.

Hi @fugitiva ,

As @kavindar_sharma mentioned it looks like the issue is because of not registering the IQService user. For your reference, I am attaching IQService troubleshooting page
IQService Troubleshooting - Compass (

Thank you for you answer I get this, then i restart IQService

how i can get the username and password?

Hi @fugitiva ,

You can use AD domain user or a local Windows account. You can refer Client Authentication Prerequisites in IQService - Compass (

@Jarin_James thank you for your answer, i dont urdenstand, do i need to create a new user?


Yes, you can create a user in your AD domain. Since it is your Sandbox environment you can even use your local account(The Admin account you are using right now)

@Jarin_James thank you for you help
this is my admin use in the window server
And this what i write in to the iiq connector

Still getting the error

Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. Authentication Failed : No such user registered with IQService.

Have you registered this user using IQService -a username command?

oh no, how do I register mylab\Administrator using IQService

Use this IQService -a Administrator

I did add the Administrator with the command you mentioned still gettting the error

this the update on iiq

Hi @fugitiva ,

After adding the user restart IQService. In application config for AD, you just have to mention Administrator in IQ Service User.(something like below)

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After registering for user i am getting this error

Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. Client authentication failed with error - The user name or password is incorrect

What password i have to give ?

Hi @samarthsharma ,

Please open a new thread mentioning your issue

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