IDN Active Directory connector gMSA

Has anyone configured the IDN Active Directory connector successfully with gMSA account already? I’ve tried but in the documentation, it seems to miss how to configure the IQ Service settings in IDN, I tried with every possible configuration, and I’m getting the below error:
“Detected password less authentication, but failed to retrieve passwords with error: Exception occurred while executing the RPCRequest: Errors returned from IQService. Authentication Failed : IQService User or password is not supplied.”

Though that’s the thing I’m not supposed to supply password there.

Everything else is set up as in the instructions - Domain settings with gMSA account in UPN format, port 389, SASL, TSL Disabled.

gMSA runs as an IQ Service and is registered as allowed users, hence the Windows servers and AD part work as intended, however, the IDN config won’t work.

Hello Damian, let me ask you, in the ISC section of the active directory source, IQService Settings, do you have TLS enabled?

Did you follow these two directions?

Use gMSA as a Service Account (

Required Permissions (

Yes, I’ve tried all the config combinations so far, still no results.

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