Entitlement Replacement Issue

I have an entitlement type called ‘Teams.’ Whenever I provision a new entitlement, it does not append the newly added entitlement to the user; instead, it replaces the old one with the new one. I’m facing this issue in webservice connector.

Can anyone please provide your feedback?

Hi @shruthi_m ,
Make sure target system supports multiple entitlements, if yes please check account schema and mark entitlement as multivalued if not already marked.

Yes, the target system supports multiple entitlements. If I send multiple entitlements at once, the user receives all the values. However, if I send another value in a subsequent run, it overrides the previous values.

Hi, @shruthi_m
You can maybe try marking that field in the account scheme both as ,string, and ,multi-valued, .

I tried that also. But, it’s not working.

Is there any way to append the existing team value with new value in request payload?

Hello Shruthi
This is an issue with how you have configured your web services connector to provision the access, this is a config problem.
Its worth checking the configuration for the said call if its as expected or not onto your source system.

Hello Harsh,

This is not a configuration issue, but rather how the endpoint is designed. It overrides the previous values with the new ones. To avoid this, I tried configuring the “before operation” rule to retrieve all the team_id values and send them to the target at once. However, the rule didn’t work as expected. (HTTP Method: PUT)

I have attached the rule for your reference.

Before operation rule_webservice.java (3.4 KB)

@shruthi_m does teamIdsList get overwritten instead of appended only when a single integer team_id needs to be provisioned/added to the teamIdsList ?

@shruthi_m Please check your account schema if entitlement attribute has mutiple values checked

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