I have an entitlement type called ‘Teams.’ Whenever I provision a new entitlement, it does not append the newly added entitlement to the user; instead, it replaces the old one with the new one. I’m facing this issue in webservice connector.
Hi @shruthi_m ,
Make sure target system supports multiple entitlements, if yes please check account schema and mark entitlement as multivalued if not already marked.
Yes, the target system supports multiple entitlements. If I send multiple entitlements at once, the user receives all the values. However, if I send another value in a subsequent run, it overrides the previous values.
Hello Shruthi
This is an issue with how you have configured your web services connector to provision the access, this is a config problem.
Its worth checking the configuration for the said call if its as expected or not onto your source system.
This is not a configuration issue, but rather how the endpoint is designed. It overrides the previous values with the new ones. To avoid this, I tried configuring the “before operation” rule to retrieve all the team_id values and send them to the target at once. However, the rule didn’t work as expected. (HTTP Method: PUT)