Entitlement Aggregation page is not opening?

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Hi All,
The entitlement aggregation page is not opening or it still in loading page with below error.

This only happens in Fedramp tenant not in commercial
Any idea about this behavior.

Shantha Kumar

There are multiple reasons why this could be appearing, historically I’ve encountered it when the owner of a governance group is deleted from the tenant.
I’d recommend pulling the HAR file and checking for errors in it yourself, and if you’re not able to determine, sanitize the same file and share it with support

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Hi @Santhakumar
We have observed this issue on multiple occasions in sandbox tenant only; typically, it resolves automatically after a short period. If the problem persists, please submit a support ticket for further assistance.

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This is happening from last Friday. May be I will reach sailpoint support to help this issue.

Yes, this should be ideally fixed by SailPoint support.

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Is this happening for all users or just one? I recently had a tenant where this was happening for one admin. We removed him from IdentityNow Admins, aggregated, readded him, and reaggreated. The issue went away.

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Will check the other admin and if it’s working then i will try your method @agutschow

Hi it got resolve after resetting the admin password.

Thanks all for your inputs. :blush:

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