Email Escalation not receiving

here i get the reminder Email but i dont get escalation email even though i set it to receive after a minute of reminder email . SO my question is why my escalation email part not working. and also as soon as reminder email is sent task is suucess…strange

List workItemsList = new ArrayList();
List failedWorkItemsList = new ArrayList();

int workItemsCount = 0;
int numDays = 3;  // Define how many days old a work item should be to trigger the reminder

// Get current date
Date date = new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -numDays);
date = cal.getTime(); // Set the date for querying old work items

// Query options to get all pending work items of a specific type
QueryOptions qo = new QueryOptions();
qo.addFilter(Filter.eq("type", "Form"));
qo.addFilter(Filter.le("created", date));

// Count and fetch work items
workItemsCount = context.countObjects(WorkItem.class, qo);
IncrementalObjectIterator workItemsIterator = new IncrementalObjectIterator(context, WorkItem.class, qo);
logger.debug("WorkItems size: " + workItemsCount);

int i = 0;

if (workItemsIterator != null) {
    while (workItemsIterator.hasNext()) {
        logger.debug("Processing WorkItem Number: " + i);

        WorkItem pendingWorkItem = (WorkItem);
        String workItemId = pendingWorkItem.getName();
        Date createdDate = pendingWorkItem.getCreated();
        Identity owner = pendingWorkItem.getOwner();
        String ownerName = (owner != null) ? owner.getDisplayableName() : "Unknown";

        workItemsList.add("WorkItem Reminder Sent: " + workItemId + "\r\n --------------------------------------------------------- \r\n ");
        logger.debug("Pending WorkItem found: " + pendingWorkItem.getName());

        try {
            // Get email address of the owner
            String emailToSendReminder = null;
            if (owner != null) {
                emailToSendReminder = owner.getEmail();
            } else {
                logger.error("Owner not found for WorkItem: " + workItemId);

            // Send reminder email
            if (emailToSendReminder != null) {
                EmailTemplate et = context.getObjectByName(EmailTemplate.class, "Work Item Reminder");
                if (et != null) {
                    et.setTo(emailToSendReminder);  // Set the recipient

                    // Set variables for the email template
                    Map emailVariables = new HashMap();
                    emailVariables.put("workItem", pendingWorkItem);
                    emailVariables.put("workItemName", workItemId);
                    emailVariables.put("ordinalNumReminders", "1st"); 
                    emailVariables.put("remindersRemaining", "2");
                    emailVariables.put("ownerName", ownerName);
                    emailVariables.put("created", createdDate);
                    emailVariables.put("nowDate", new Date());

                    EmailOptions options = new EmailOptions(emailToSendReminder, null);

                    // Send the reminder email
                    context.sendEmailNotification(et, options);
                    logger.debug("Reminder email sent to: " + emailToSendReminder);
                } else {
                    logger.error("Email template 'Work Item Reminder' not found.");

            // Instead of waiting for 1 minute and rechecking in the same process, let's log the pending items for escalation.
            workItemsList.add("Pending WorkItem logged for re-check: " + pendingWorkItem.getId());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Failed to process WorkItem: " + workItemId, ex);
            failedWorkItemsList.add("WorkItem Failed: " + workItemId + "\r\n --------------------------------------------------------- \r\n ");

    // Re-check all work items after some time for escalation
    try {
        logger.debug("Waiting for 1 minute before re-checking all pending work items...");
        Thread.sleep(60000);  // Wait for 1 minute (60,000 ms)

        for (Object workItemObject : workItemsList) {
            String workItemId = workItemObject.toString().split(":")[1].trim();
            WorkItem recheckedWorkItem = context.getObjectById(WorkItem.class, workItemId);

            if (recheckedWorkItem != null && "Pending".equals(recheckedWorkItem.getState())) {
                // Escalation logic here
                Identity owner = recheckedWorkItem.getOwner();
                String ownerEmail = owner != null ? owner.getEmail() : null;

                if (ownerEmail != null) {
                    EmailTemplate escalationTemplate = context.getObjectByName(EmailTemplate.class, "Work Item Escalation");
                    if (escalationTemplate != null) {

                        Map escalationVariables = new HashMap();
                        escalationVariables.put("workItem", recheckedWorkItem);
                        escalationVariables.put("workItemName", workItemId);
                        escalationVariables.put("ownerName", owner != null ? owner.getDisplayableName() : "Unknown");
                        escalationVariables.put("created", recheckedWorkItem.getCreated());
                        escalationVariables.put("nowDate", new Date());

                        EmailOptions escalationOptions = new EmailOptions(ownerEmail, null);

                        context.sendEmailNotification(escalationTemplate, escalationOptions);
                        logger.debug("Escalation email sent to: " + ownerEmail);
                    } else {
                        logger.error("Escalation email template not found.");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("Failed to send escalation emails.", ex);

return "Success";

Hi @autorun6464,

Are you running this task for triggering escalation " Check Expired Work Items" .Also please go through below link for more insight.

If it still doesn’t work, then try setting below variables in workitem.

<entry key="hoursBetweenReminders" value="1" />
				<entry key="hoursTillEscalation" value="24" />
				<entry key="hoursTillExpiration" value="48" />
				<entry key="maxReminders" value="1" />

Let us know your observation.


its says resources not available in that link you share and also we are handling more than 1000 pending work item so changing variable is not option… i need it to do it through script way

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