Eclipse Deployment Accelerator for IDN Projects/Transforms

Attempting to use the IIQDA Eclipse Plugin to connect and manage sources/transforms in IDN.
I see that the plugin is able to connect to a an IDN tenant, but I’m hitting 403 errors when attempting to do so. The IIQDA User guide very briefly mentions the IDN integration, but lightly hits on “privileges need to be stepped up” in order to connect.

Was wondering if anyone else has tried to use this eclipse plugin, and might have better guidance on what actually needs to be setup on the tenant to allow this communication.


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@melandod, I haven’t used the plugin myself, but a 403 means that the credentials you used to generate your access token doesn’t have sufficient permissions. Based on our authorities chart, you will likely need to upgrade your user to ORG_ADMIN to use this plugin.

That’s the fun part - the user I’m using is an ORG_ADMIN.

How are you generating your access token? Is it a personal access token or OAuth? If OAuth, what grant types are you using?

I wish I knew. The answer to that will be behind the walls of how the plugin is working.
Here’s what I do know, this is the only screen you get:


If all goes well, the “Get API Key” button populates the API Key and Secret values to which you can validate and proceed.

For me however, when using the org admin account I’m in possession of I just get:

Let me ask around internally. I’ll need to find someone more knowledgeable with this plugin than I am.

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I’m looking at the code for the plugin, and it looks like the API Key and API Secret fields are really Client ID and Client Secret respectively. Seeing as how those two fields are required but the username/password aren’t, you might try just putting in your personal access token’s Client ID and Client Secret along with the Organisation Name rather than filling out the username and password. Make sure your PAT is generated from your Admin user. More details on personal access tokens here.

I’m looking at the code for this plugin, and I suspect that the username/password authentication for the IDN feature of IIQDA isn’t working right, which is why I believe just using your PAT ID and Secret should work.

Thanks Colin, I really appreciate you looking into this.

On the admin user, I’ve generated the PAT ID and Secret, and placed that in the API Key and Secret fields respectively.
The main setup now just states the org name, API key and secret. On hitting validate, we get:

This IIQDA plugin was made with some very old APIs for IDN. Before we’re supported our current OAuth 2.0 standard. I wouldn’t use this. The author who wrote this was focused on IIQ and hasn’t kept up with IDN.

If you want to manage transforms, just use the v3 transforms APIs. Or if you are migrating from tenant to tenant use the v3 sp-config APIs.

Hope this helps!