IIQDA 4.0 Plugin for identitynow

Hi Guys ,

I want to create an eclipse client for my identitynow so that before deploying any rule to sandbox or prod I can test the logic in eclipse .

IIQDA 4.0 library is giving full features for IIQ but very limited features for IDN and I am not able to test my logic.

Could someone help me so that I can setup external eclipse client for IDN to test my custom Rules and Transformations .

Best Regards

Hi Dalia, check this out:

However, I would say, rather than using IIQDA for IdNow then use SailPoint IdentityNow VS Code Extension


@MuhammadMustafa , just to re-iterate, the ask is, if there’s any utility for rule development and testing and that is for IdentityNow. The IIQDA plugin (document shared) is something that the author looks to be aware of.

And the VS code plugin is just to manage the JSON objects on the IdentityNow tenant. It doesn’t offer any rule testing capabilities for IdentityNow, like how IIQDA does for IdentityIQ.

Please do let us know if you’re familiar with a similar utility for testing rules on IdentityNow.

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Please have a look at the Rule Development Kit here:

There is also a helpful discussion ongoing here:

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Thanks a lot for the clarifications @Arshad!

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