IIQDA doesn't function properly

Following the guide here:

Installed IIQDA plugin to Eclipse using the URL IdentityIQ Deployment Accelerator.

Then I created a new IdentityIQ project, but using Remote Location does not work. IIQDA says it cannot download the JAR files from IdentityIQ. So I supplied them with Local Folder option (IdentityIQ is installed on a local Tomcat 9).

The project gets created, then I tried to import artifacts. It failed with 405 (method not allowed).

Are the software versions compatible?
IIQDA is 4.0.2
IdentityIQ is 8.3 f4b330b4da3-20220427-175259 (no e-fixes)

I used WireShark to monitor the traffic to figure out why. The reason is IIQDA plugin has a server-side component that the Eclipse plugin will use.

I need to import Workflow_importer.xml (http://sailpoint.github.io/epiiq/Workflow-Importer.xml as mentioned in the guide) to my server first.

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