At the moment, SailPoint IdentityNow doesn’t offer a way to review or download cloud rules within the UI. This can be problematic as it makes it difficult to know what rules are running in your tenant. In this blog, I will demonstrate how to use the SailPoint API to manage your cloud rules. With this approach, you can export all rules in your tenant to your computer, store them in version control, and upload updated rules back into your tenant.
Download all rules
A script has been developed to export all rules into separate XML files in a chosen folder. This script can be extremely helpful when you need to export and maintain version control on your rules.
- Install the SailPoint Powershell SDK
- Install Powershell 6.2 or higher (required by the SDK)
- Obtain a
from a personal access token
How to execute the script
To call the script from the command line, open your command prompt or Powershell terminal, navigate to the folder where you saved Export-Rules.ps1
, and run this command:
.\Export-Rules.ps1 -Path <pathToExport all your rules>
How the script works
The Powershell script performs the following actions:
- Get all the rules in your tenant
- For each rule, create a file in the given “path” with the rule code snippet.
- This will export the rules as per the SailPoint file naming conventions.
Rule - {type} - {name}.xml
For more details about how the script works, you can follow along with the comments in the code below.
Export rules from the API and store them as Java files. In this script, the PSSailPoint module is only used to extract tokens to inline with other scripts.
If you want you can just add one more API call to get an access token and remove the dependency
#Import Custom Modules
Import-Module PSSailPoint
#InIt SailPoint IdentityNow Configuration
$PROXY = <proxy>
$env:SAIL_CLIENT_ID = <clientId>
$env:SAIL_CLIENT_SECRET = <clientSecret>
#load the environmental variable to the sailpoint config
#Get-access token
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $TOKEN")
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "$($SailpointConfig.BaseUrl)cc/api/rule/list" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers -Proxy $POWERSHELL_CONFIG.idn.proxy
if($response -and $response.count -gt 0){
foreach($rule in $response.items){
$xmlContent = @"
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule name="$($" type="$($rule.type)">
$fileName="Rule - $($rule.type) - $($"+".xml"
$filePath=$OUTPUT_PATH + $fileName
if(Test-Path $filePath){
Remove-Item $filePath
Add-content -Path $filePath -Value $xmlContent
Export-Rules.ps1 (1.6 KB)
Note: I used the SailPoint Powershell module to get an access token to inline with the other scripts that I have in my environment.
Version control the rules
There are many version control applications available, but one of the most widely used programs is git. If you are new to git, you can learn more here.
- Open git bash
- Navigate to the folder that has the exported Java files.
cd <folder path with all the java files>
- Initialize a new Git repo for the first time.
git init
- To save changes to the git repository, run these commands:
git add .
git commit -am "Description of what you changed"
- If you have a remote repository, you can push your changes to that remote repository with this command:
git push
Upload rule changes to SailPoint
- Open the folder with all the rules that were exported by the script.
- Open the file you want to modify and make the necessary changes. Make sure you only change the content/code snippet inside the XML element
<source> </source>
. - Commit your changes in your git repo.
- SailPoint requires that all cloud rules must go through a rule review process with Professional Services. Here is the [process to upload rules to Sailpoint](( and the best practices to follow.
- Once the rule(s) are uploaded, you can repeat the process to pull the files.