Ask for some guidance with cloud rules

Hi! I have to develop my first cloud rule. I would appreciate if someone with experience can share some metodology at the development hour. Mainly how to test, because until Sailpoint approval, we can not test code with real data. Is right to think in testing hardcoding idn data, then blindy change to idn objects and send as is to Sailpoint support? How do you procceed when, after rule is approved, I make some test and discover some logic bug that requires code change? Do you have to open a new case? Thanks in advance!

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Hi @jsosa we cannot test the rules. Deploying rules is crucial before testing, and one possible approach is using the SailpointIIQ local environment. However, it’s worth noting that this method may not guarantee success due to potential library mismatches.

Please Refer to, Existing thread:

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Hi Julian,

Here are some pointers to help you through the process :

  • Go through the Rules documentation here to understand the overall process. This link also has information and samples for each supported Cloud rule which is very useful.

  • Use any IDE of your choice to code the rule. Add log statements within rule which can help debugging in future if required

  • Some rules like Attribute generator can be tested locally with some hard coded inputs. Check out this post for some tips on it

  • If you cannot test rule locally you can send it to Sailpoint for deploying.

  • Before sending the rule to Sailpoint, make sure you run it through Rule validator first. Once you get SUCCESS from rule validator, you should be ready to send it for deploying.

  • Once they deploy, you can test in IDN and if any changes you can modify rule and send it for deploying again via same ticket


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