Can we call the third party application API URLs in the cloud rule

can we call the third party application API URLs in the cloud rule

Hi @bkumar592,

It is possible to make and intercept API calls in the cloud rule. This can be achieved using sailpoint.connector.webservices found in the Java docs.

Hope this helps!

You are not allowed to do this…
Read Execution Section in this link

Hi @bkumar592 - as @iam_nithesh mentioned, it would depend on the cloud rule being deployed and the purpose for deployment.

@ksbagade @iam_nithesh Thanks for the response. we have a requirement where we need to call an API and from the response we get an id and pass it to AD. Any suggestions on this.

You could probably use ConnectorBeforeCreate rule from

and send request to API using PowerShell script

Thanks @iam_nithesh for the help, This looks that we can work on it

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Hi @iam_nithesh , we tried the before create rule and we are able to get the value from the external API. however, we are not able to set the value to one of the AD attribute sAMACCOUNTNAME. Any help or thoughts on this on how to set the value please

Hi @bkumar592,

I would recommend creating a new topic for this issue.


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