Custom Authentication - Message: 403 : Forbidden, HTTP Error Code: 403

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We have configured Custom Authentication for a WebService Application. Aggregation and Provisioning operations worked initially. But after 2 days we see that the below error is encountered:

Exception occurred while performing ‘Create’ operation on identity ‘testuser1’: Url:, Message: 403 : Forbidden, HTTP Error Code: 403

This error was occurring intermittently but from today this is error is existing and we are not able to perform any Aggregation or Provisioning operations.


Hi @mirnalini_chandiran ,

If the authentication was previously working as you mentioned. Could you perhaps please try and execute the request through Postman and share the response provided?


Hi Dylan,
Yes, from Postman it is working. Getting 200 OK response

Mirnalini C

Hi @mirnalini_chandiran,

do you use tokens for authentication ?

Yes, we have configured Custom Authentication operation in which token is generated in the response attribute mapping and that token is used in all the Operations in the header
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer $$

“at” is the access_token

ok, I did something similar but I do the call for token in beforeOperation rule of aggregation.

In this rule, I write the token in the header of the requestEndPoint and return it.

Are you doing the same?

Later, use the same rule for printing the headers and the body for be sure all its correct. Also, you can active the webservice connector logs for keeping more informations.

This error occurs if you dont have permission(credential/token) or for some restriction, geographic for example. One more control could be check the communication from SP and webservice, maybe someone has implemented some network rule after 2 days

Something is blocking this request.

  1. Did you try the curl from server and get any response?
  2. Could you please share the response body of this request?

As mentioned above the error is related to insufficient permissions to retrieve a response from the server.

Another thing I would recommend you check if any cookies are required to be sent in the request. There are some specific cookies the WebService connector doesn’t set on the application XML in session which could perhaps be restricting you.


Hi @mirnalini_chandiran

The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code that indicates a client doesn’t have permission to access a web page or serve. So, check with the webservice team that whatever the credentials you are using have the right permission or not and correct or not. And also, you confirmed that it is also not working. So, you have to check with them and get the correct credentials.