Message: 401 : Unauthorized, HTTP Error Code: 401

Hi All,

We are onboarding an application using a webservice connector. It uses an API token and custom authentication. In the custom authentication http operation, it has a response mapping of api-key which I then use in the header of the Test Connection http operation.

It was working previously when I perform the Test Connection, however, when the API token expired and I have to generate a new token, I keep on getting the 401 Unauthorized error when doing the test connection. It is also working in Postman using the new API token. I don’t know what I seem to be missing in the configuration. If anyone has faced similar issue, please let me know how were you able to resolve it.

Thank you!

Hi @jasmedina ,

You can check if there are any typo’s while copying the new token value in the connector. Another thing is after you update the source on the ISC/IDN UI, you can query the source from postman using API - get-source | SailPoint Developer Community to confirm the update is done successfully.


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Similar to what @shaileeM said you could also create a new test source with the new token details and compare them both for differences to see what is missing.