Can we include Delimited/Flat File source ID in cloud rule for unique check?

Hi all,

Want to check the uniqueness of email from different sources, for this we have created non-indexed searchable account attributes in there included the AD and other direct connector source ID.

Is it possible to add the Delimited/Flat File source ID in searchable attributes? If not is there any other way to include this in the cloud rule for unique check?

Any solution thanks in advance.

Yes, it is possible to include the delimited source in the cloud rule for unique check. We have done it by using the source name in our AttributeGenerator rule.

Hi @Sachin_Rajathadri

Thanks for the solution but when we try to populate this by using unoptimized aggregation the flatfile doesn’t support right. Is there any way to populate the searchable attribute for flatfile?

Hi, just to confirm, are you asking if there is an option for running unoptimized aggregation for flat file? If yes, I think there is a cc api for running flat file unoptimized aggregation if it’s not already deprecated.

Yes I have tried the cc api but unable to send the request it was throwing bad request in postman.

I just tested the flat file unoptimized aggregation in my tenant, its working for me. I wonder why its not working for you. Could you please share your cc API call?

This is the cc API call i have used
Below are the error i have get when i tried this API call:

I see what the issue is. Since this is a delimited file source, you need to upload the file as well. Here’s a screenshot from my postman,

Go to your delimited source >> Accounts >> download the csv. Then in your postman, add a new key called file >> from the dropdown select “File” >> upload the CSV. This should work as expected.

Let me know how it goes!

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