Can we have multiple source owners?

In our organization we often see uses cases wherein, access implementers are different from approvers. Access implementers become source owners but we often need more than 1 source owners in the case of vacations, terminations, or job changes. Any other organizations facing this issue?

Hello @zxb323,

Governance Groups are used to assign additional people to manage a source. When creating a new source, you can optionally assign a governance group.

To add a governance group to an existing source, click on the “Edit Configuration” button on the source details page.

You can create and manage governance groups in the “Identities” drop-down:

Reading your question closer, it seems this isn’t what you want. Governance groups allow more people to approve/deny access requests to the source. You are asking about having more than one source owner who can modify and manage the source. I am not aware of the ability to assign a group as a source owner, however you can always change the source owner using the “Edit Configuration” page as mentioned above. This change of source ownership could be automated with the V3 sources API, which you could use in internal business processes and workflows for offboarding employees, vacation requests, etc.

I suggest creating an idea in our Ideas Portal to allow adding multiple source owners to a source.

Thank you, Colin. I will post an idea.

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@zxb323, thanks for stopping in to the Developer Forum and for sharing your use case with the community. We hope to see you around more in the future!