I have worked with sailpoint support to deploy the beforeProvisioning rule to cloud. but i dont see any results that the rule is supposed to offer. here are the screenshots on how i have patched the rule to source. am i doing to correctly. if yes/ what could be the reason its not running.
Hello @nikeshpark29 , once you have attached the rule to the source, you need to use the API to add the cloudServicesIDNSetup attribute to your source.
Run API call PATCH {{api-url}}/v3/sources/
Fill the body with appropriate objects specific to your Identity Profiles / Source (These are the triggers/actions that will take place.
You’re only looking for a Modify Operation, so your code will only be executed during that.
also in this piece of code
} else if (attributeRequest.getOperation().equals(ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Remove)){
//if operation is 'remove' remove role(s) to currentPersona
log.info("inside remove attribute request"+attributeRequest.getValue());
the other IF will Only execute if the first one is False, is that what you want?
Also you are stting up the Attributes on the Account Request. Not Putting Attribute Requests.
To achieve that you need for each Role, create a AttributeRequest and insert it on the AccountRequest.