I am trying to create identities via batch request in IIQ. I have some 30 identity attributes that I need to populated for an identity. However, the batch file is only accepting up to 23 attributes in the file. So I just want to know if there is any limit on the number of attributes that can be supplied in a batch request. If yes, is there a way to increase this limit.
Yes the remaining attributes are configured in identity mappings. Basically, I am able to pick any 23 attributes and submit the batch request. The batch request throws error when I add more than 23. I am not able to find any documentation as well that can tell about such limit on attributes.
I have found the root cause. actually there is character limit associated with the header in the batch file.
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12899: value too large for column “IDENTITYIQ”.“SPT_BATCH_REQUEST”.“HEADER” (actual: 263, maximum: 255)