Is it possible to add application in bulk user using batch request

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Version 8.3

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is it possible to add application in bulk of user using batch request. If possible please give me format in csv.

Hi @amanKsingh,
Are you referring to creating multiple applications in bulk ?

Hi Aman,

Could you elaborate on this requirement?


Refer to this page, it provides examples for batch request. Let me know if it’s useful.

Batch Request


operation, application, nativeIdentity | identityName, email
CreateAccount, AdminsApp, atoby, [email protected]
CreateAccount, AdminsApp, jsmith, [email protected]

Hello @amanKsingh ,

Yes it is possible to add/create account in bulk of user using batch request.

Here is the format:
operation, application, identityName

Operation - CreateAccount
Application - Application you want to create account in
Identity name - user id

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