Account aggregation causing error after adding terminate when maximum number of errors exceeded

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IIQ 8.4

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Facing the error as above. The only difference in our account aggregation setup is that we checked the "Terminate when maximum number of errors is exceeded " setting and Maximum errors before termination = 1.

Noticed this error only occurs when we aggregate new identities. Would like to understand why is this happening?

Hi @shijingg,

Surely you this error witt or without Terminate when maximum number of errors is exceeded flag marked.

If you dont mark this flag, the task go on until the end or it stop for serious errors like null point exception.

The error can be caused from a not correct correlationConfig\correlationRule, a not unique Identity Attribute of accounts or if you use a creationRule where you create\save “manually” the identity.

How did you configurated the connector?

Can you please share the identity attribute and display attribute? And check if the identity attribute is holding unique value or not?
Looks like the issue is coming because of correlation didn’t happen properly.

To get more clarity of correction and those attributes please go through below document. You will more idea.