Identity attribute value max length

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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I have attempted to insert a value of more than 50 characters into an identity attribute, and it resulted in an error. Is it advisable to extend it? What would need to be modified and how to extend the range?


Hi Espino,
Welcome to Sailpoint Developer’s Community - max size of the attribute is generaly related to the database column size.

It is configurable in Hibernate configuration files and later on “transfered” into the DB schema.

for example here you can see content of LinkExtended.hbm.xml file which contains information about size of Link extended attributes. Same applies to Identity Extended attributes.

Once you change HBM config you also need to recreate DB schema by executing iiq console schema to reflect it into the DB.

Here you can see example of default sized in the DB for spt_identity table


Hi @espino,

It depends upon your database capability, and you can extend your data size as per your expectation. But as the size increases you may face issue with indexing and making it searchable.


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you can check the column value in spt_identity table , check on database and execute below cmd

desc spt_identity;

What is the error? Is it related to the size “Column size too large”?

Hi @espino, could you please share the error details?

Hi, @espino

In the SailPoint IIQ database tables, some data types have limits. We can increase these limits if we need an identity attribute to allow 50 characters. This is useful for attributes that need more space for longer input. Which identity attribute needs this change?

I was able to try it just now and it worked.
Thanks Kamil.

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The error was:
“Exception running rule: The application script threw an exception: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute statement BSF info:…”
Kamil provided the solution.

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