Azure accounts are not being aggregated in sailpoint

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

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Hi Team,

we got a requirement to show azure created accounts in SailPoint. But currently sailpoint only shows the data of on prem accounts. How can we fix it so that azure created accounts will also be visible in sailpoint. please help on this


Sorry for the question, but you are integrating with azure connector?

Hi @enistri_devo ,

Yes the application is already integrated with SailPoint. But we only see on prem account.Is there any permission or option that we can enable to have account shown in sailpoint which is not onprem as well.


into documentation i found those:

I think you need more permission for reading those account

Hi @enistri_devo ,

The permission is provided but still it’s not working. What further we can do to achieve this?

Hi @ayadav_12,

This question is more of service account privilege and your application support team should be able to help you with the privilege.

But having said that please have look on this permission link.


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