Approval Assigned to Governance Group - email notification

We are running into an issue with the Access Request Reviewer email template.

We have access requests that are assigned to a governance group, and each member of the governance group is receiving this notification. That part works fine.

Our requirement is to display the name of the governance group that the approval is assigned to. The user variable gives us the individual member the email was sent to, not the workgroup.

I’ve also tried digging into the workItem itself, using the SailPoint context ($sptools), but when I pull the workItem.owner, we get the individual the email was sent to (different value for each email sent).

example code:

#set($spctx=$spTools.class.forName("sailpoint.api.SailPointFactory").getMethod("getFactory", null).invoke(null, null).getCurrentContext())
#foreach ($sum in $approvalSummaries)

This gets us the workItem in question (obviously we would need to add evaluations to ensure we were pulling the correct workItem from the IdentityRequest, but for now, we’re focussed on the owner).

This shows us the individual who received the email.
Work Item Owner: $workItem.getOwner().getDisplayableName()

This will give us the ID of the workgroup (which is correct):


But we are getting a NULL when we try to use this ID to get the workgroup object itself. Have tried both of the following:




Does anyone know how we can get the name of the governance group the approval is assigned to?